Today my name is Catherine Jane Ilona Copaway. In honor of the "goddess" Ilona, the upcoming pornstar. Harhar!
Happy Birthday CHET cheters chettie chetiest!
I love you daw sabi ni K_ _ _ (hulaan mo sino)
Things I like, Movies I watch, Places I explore, random thinking and anything under the bright yellow sun that fancies me.
Happy Birthday CHET cheters chettie chetiest!
I love you daw sabi ni K_ _ _ (hulaan mo sino)
I hate tight schedule, I hate it when I want to meet someone and I want to meet everybody but I don’t have the time. Grabeh, I have loads of things to do, and I mean loads.. and yet here I am blogging..
I hate tight schedules, gusto niyo paki hati nalang katawan ko – Today’s YM status